

OPEN-SOURCE Real-Time          LOW-Code          SECURE Scalable          Fault-Tolerant          Extensible          EXactly once semantics          No VENDOR LOCK-IN


SyncLite's pluggable IoT data connector enables rapid development of IoT applications. Effortlessly read data at massive scales from MQTT brokers through your gateways and seamlessly consolidate it onto one or more databases, data warehouses, or data lakes of your choice. This allows you to focus on solving your core challenges without the hassle of intricate data management.

Key Features

SyncLite offers a flexibility to implement a more versatile architecture as shown above. In this scenario, numerous IoT devices publish messages to their dedicated brokers deployed on individual gateways. A SyncLite QReader, deployed on each gateway, efficiently extracts data on a large scale and channels it into SyncLite devices which are shared via a configurable staging storage (SFTP/S3/MinIO/Kafka/NFS/Google Drive, One Drive etc.). The consolidated data is then processed by one or more centralized SyncLite consolidators, facilitating data consolidation into a preferred destination such as databases, data warehouses, or data lakes.

This no-code rapid data platform allows you to focus on solving your core challenges, without the hassle of intricate data integrations.

SYNCLITE Rapid IOT Data Connector Demo

Explore SyncLite Rapid IoT Data Connector! Watch our demo video showcasing a real-time data consolidation of millions of (simulated) IoT messages generated at a rate over 14000 messages per second into a PostgreSQL database.