
Real-Time Data Consolidation Platform 

OPEN-SOURCE Real-Time          LOW-Code          SECURE Scalable          Fault-Tolerant          Extensible          EXactly once semantics          No VENDOR LOCK-IN


In today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations often find themselves managing multiple departments and teams that utilize various databases. Over time, the need to share data across these disparate systems, either in real-time or incrementally, becomes increasingly critical. This data sharing often extends to central data warehouses, reflecting a common pattern observed in modern enterprises. 

In addition to traditional databases, there’s a growing demand for applications tailored to edge, mobile, and desktop use cases. These applications require a forward-thinking approach to data integration during the design phase to ensure seamless functionality and scalability. 

Complicating matters further, many sub-systems and departments within organizations generate raw data that needs to be harmonized and integrated continuously. This ongoing process aims to consolidate this data seamlessly into existing database and data warehouse systems, creating a unified data ecosystem. 

While a plethora of point-to-point data tools flood the market, data teams often struggle to implement straightforward, scalable, and efficient data integration solutions. Developers frequently resort to constructing complex architectures by piecing together various streaming protocols, real-time APIs, and connectors. This fragmented approach not only complicates the technology stack but also introduces multiple points of failure, hindering efficiency and accuracy. 

SyncLite : Your Holistic Data Integration Platform

SyncLite emerges as a game-changing solution designed to tackle these challenges head-on. Our Real-Time Data Consolidation platform excels at aggregating data from a diverse range of sources, including edge devices, mobile applications, desktop software, IoT devices, message brokers, and traditional databases, while enabling AI and ML use-cases at all three levels: Edge, Fog and Cloud. By seamlessly consolidating this data, SyncLite facilitates integration into an extensive array of databases, data warehouses, and data lakes.  

SyncLite's Comprehensive Toolkit


This 4-minute video summarizes the SyncLite Real-Time Data Consolidation Platform.