OPEN-SOURCE Real-Time LOW-Code SECURE Scalable Fault-Tolerant Extensible EXactly once semantics No VENDOR LOCK-IN
SyncLite Platform is open-source and available for every developer under Apache License 2.0 !
Kickstart your data consolidation journey for real-time data consolidation into popular open source/free database systems: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Apache Iceberg tables, DuckDB, SQLite.
Get started with our GitHub code repository to build and deploy SyncLite: syncliteio/SyncLite: SyncLite : Build Anything Sync Anywhere (
OR pull and start Docker container(s) from SyncLite Consolidator Docker Hub: syncliteio/synclite-consolidator - Docker Image | Docker Hub
docker pull syncliteio/synclite-consolidator:latest
OR download the latest release from the Git Hub Releases : Releases · syncliteio/SyncLite (
OR reach out to us at to get access to SyncLite release.
Open localhost:8080 to see a number of pre-deployed apps: SyncLite Consolidator, SyncLite Sample App, SyncLite DBReader, SyncLite QReader, and SyncLite JobMonitor.
Launch SyncLite Sample App and SyncLite Consolidator apps, configure and start jobs, observe data consolidation from devices created by sample app.
Explore other apps
SyncLite DBReader and Consolidator together to try out ETL scenarios across a wide range of databases
SyncLite QReader and Consolidator together to try out IoT data integrations scenarios.
SyncLite Job Monitor to monitor and schedule jobs.
CLI tools
SyncLite DB: SyncLite DB, a standalone, single node, sync-enabled database server (wrapping popular embedded databases), can be connected to by applications in any language over network socket and JSON requests
SyncLite Client: A client tool using SyncLite Logger or connecting to SyncLite DB, to execute SQL operations on SyncLite devices i.e. embedded databases.
Build your first Edge/Desktop App with SyncLite !
Integrate SyncLite Logger into your applications:
Add this Maven dependency to your Edge/Desktop Java applications and unlock the power of SyncLite Logger:
Refer GitHub Repo for code samples : SyncLite/synclite-code-samples at main · syncliteio/SyncLite (
Configure and Start SyncLite Consolidator job to initiate data consolidation from all your application instances into PostgreSQL (or other desired destination databases)
Setup a staging storage (S3/MinIO/SFTP/Kafka) to enable data consolidation from remote application instances.
Set appropriate configuration properties in SyncLite Logger config file at application end.
Refer our documentation for more details: Real-Time Data Consolidation Platform - Documentation (
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