
A Real-Time Data Consolidation Platform 

Real-Time          No-Code          SECURE RELATIONAL          Scalable          Fault-Tolerant          Extensible          EXactly once semantics          No VENDOR LOCK-IN

Real-Time Data Consolidation

Effortless Transactional and Telemetry Data Management with SyncLite!

Experience seamless SQL operations in your applications using SyncLite's logger, executed on an underlying SQLite database. The SyncLite logger ensures transactional logging in log files, which are promptly shipped to cloud or centralized storage. In real-time, the SyncLite Consolidator efficiently consumes and consolidates the log files into the destination database.

Discover the Versatility of SyncLite's Device Options:

Unleash Unbounded Scalability with SyncLite Devices and Consolidator!

With SyncLite's unparalleled flexibility, each application gains the freedom to create numerous SyncLite devices. The SyncLite consolidator is designed to effortlessly handle data consolidation from any number of devices created by multiple such applications. 

Seamlessly merge data streams from various sources and empower your business with a comprehensive, unified view.

Unified Data Representation. Simplified.

SyncLite Consolidator effortlessly harmonizes tables with varying column sets across devices. Experience a seamless merged view, combining all columns for each table on the destination database.

Plus, flexibility at your fingertips! Opt for data replication, avoiding merging complexities. Tailor your approach to achieve data consolidation with ease.

SyncLite - The Key to Unified and Streamlined Data Management!

Empower Your Developers. Simplify Data Management.

SyncLite simplifies integration for your Java, Android and Python applications. It functions just like any other JDBC driver, allowing your applications to seamlessly perform SQL operations on local SyncLite devices/databases. With SyncLite, there's no need to reinvent the wheel; it smoothly fits into your existing workflow, making data management effortless.

With SyncLite, developers can seamlessly focus on their application's core logic, leveraging SQL to interact with data right from the start. No need to fret over logging, shipping data changes, or consolidating into a data warehouse from multiple app instances! SyncLite handles it all, without the need for any additional code. Liberating your team from mundane tasks, SyncLite lets developers dive straight into creating exceptional applications, maximizing productivity and unleashing innovation.

Welcome to a realm of limitless possibilities with SyncLite – where scalability knows no bounds, and data consolidation knows no limits!